Incipit Index
Each of the English-language antiphons was composed in the same mode as their Latin counterparts in the Graduale Romanum. This allows them to be sung in conjunction with the Latin chants if you desire. This page provides a list of the Latin incipits and the English translation used in the Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons.
This list is also helpful if you want to search for a particular antiphon outside of its usual week in the calendar. Just use the "Ctrl+F" feature to search this page for the text you need (e.g., "Taste and See.") The link to the PDF is included here; however, please go to the relevant liturgical year page above if you need to access the practice recording.
This list is also helpful if you want to search for a particular antiphon outside of its usual week in the calendar. Just use the "Ctrl+F" feature to search this page for the text you need (e.g., "Taste and See.") The link to the PDF is included here; however, please go to the relevant liturgical year page above if you need to access the practice recording.
Latin Incipits
Dominus dabit
Ierusalem, surge Dicite: Pusillanimes Ecce Virgo Revelabitur In splendoribus Exsulta, filia Sion Viderunt omnes Tolle puerum Fili, quid fecisti Exsulta, filia Sion Vidimus stellam Omnes qui in Christo Qui meditabitur Scapulis suis Visionem Qui biberit (VII) Passer invenit Lutum fecit Ierusalem, quae aedificatur Oportet te Videns Dominus Qui mihi ministrat Nemo te condemnavit Pater, si non potest Dilexisti iustitiam Hoc corpus Diviserunt sibi Pascha nostrum / Alleluia Pascha nostrum Mitte manum Surrexit Dominus Cantate Domino Simon Ioannis Ego sum pastor Tanto tempore Ego sum vitis Non vos relinquam Ego vos elegi Spiritus Sanctus Data est mihi Signa Psallite Domino Pater, cum essem Ultimo festivitatis Factus est repente Benedicimus Deum Data est mihi Qui manducat Hoc corpus Laetabimur in salutari tuo Dicit Andreas Dicit Dominus Venite post me Comedite pinguia Beati mundo corde Illumina Introibo Multitudo Manducaverunt Narrabo Primum quaerite Cantabo Domino Ego clamavi Dominus firmamentum Quicumque fecerit Unam petii Quod dico vobis Circuibo Qui vult venire Christus resurgens Inclina aurem tuam Gustate et videte Passer invenit Acceptabis Optimam partem Simile est Honora Dominum Petite Panem de caelo Panis Beatus servus Domus mea Qui manducat Primum quaerite De fructu Qui vult venire Domine memorabor Vovete Tollite hostias Qui vult venire Dico vobis: guadium Tu mandasti Memento In salutari tuo Aufer a me Domine, Dominus Laetabimur in salutari tuo Notas Quinque prudentes Dominus regit me Domine, quinque Amen: quidquid Amen: quod uni Sedebit Dominus Responsum Magna est Tu, puer Simon Ioannis Tu es Petrus Visionem Beata viscera Beatam me dicent Per signum Crucis Beati mundo corde Lux aeterna Ierusalem, quae aedificatur Gloriosa Primum quaerite Lux aeterna |
English Translation / Psalm #
The Lord will bestow his loving kindness (85)
Jerusalem, stand on high (147) Take courage and do not fear (Isaiah 35) A virgin shall conceive (19) The glory of the Lord shall be revealed (24) Amidst the heavens (110) Exult, O daughter of Zion (34) All the ends of the earth have seen (98) Take the child and his mother (24) I must be in my Father's house (27) Exult, O daughter of Zion (34) We have seen his star in the East (72) All who have been baptized in Christ (29) He who ponders the law (1) His faithfulness will protect you with a shield (91) Tell no one what you have seen (97) Whoever drinks my water (Isaiah 12) Blessed are they who dwell in your house (84) I washed myself, I began to see (27) The tribes go up to Jerusalem to give thanks (122) My son, you should rejoice (32) He came out, hands and feet bound (130) Wherever I am, my servant will be (17) No one has condemned you (32) Father, if this cup cannot pass (22) You love justice, therefore the Lord has anointed (45) Every time you eat this bread, do this in memory (116) They parted my garments among them (22) Christ our Lamb has been sacrificed (118) Christ our Lamb has been sacrificed (118) Feel the place where the nails were (118) The Lord has risen and has appeared (118) Proclaim the Lord's salvation (96) You know, Lord, that I love you (34) I am the Good Shepherd (33) Do you not believe that I am in the Father (33) I am the vine and you are the branches (80) I will not leave you orphans (122) I have chosen you from the world (89) The Holy Spirit will teach you (51) All power has been given to me (78) Believers will perform these signs (34) Sing to the Lord who ascended (68) Father, I am coming to you (122) From the hearts of those who believe (104) They were filled with the Holy Spirit (68) Let us bless the God of heaven (Tobit 13) All power has been given to me (78) He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood (119) Every time you eat this bread, do this in memory (116) We shall rejoice in your salvation (20) Andrew said to Simon, "We have found the Messiah" (34) You have saved the best wine until now (34) Follow after me and I will make you fishers of men (119) This is a holy day in the house of the Lord (81) Blessed are these, for theirs is the kingdom (126) Let your face shine down on your servant (31) I will go to the altar of God (43) A multitude came unto him (34) They ate and were fully satisfied (78) I will relate all your wondrous deeds (9) Seek first the kingdom of God (37) I will sing unto the Lord (13) Incline your ear and hear my words (17) The Lord is my support (18) Whoever does the will of the Father (34) One thing I ask of the Lord (27) That which I tell you in the dark, you must speak (34) I will sing and recite a song unto the Lord (27) If a man wishes to come after me (34) Christ, rising from the dead (96) Lend your ear and make haste to rescue us (31) Taste and see how gracious the Lord is (34) Blessed are they who dwell in your house (84) You will accept a sacrifice of righteousness (51) Mary has chosen the best part (34) The kingdom of heaven is like a pearl of great worth (34) Honor the Lord with your wealth (112) Ask, you shall receive; seek, you shall find (31) You gave us bread from heaven, O Lord (78) The bread which I will give is my flesh (111) Blessed the servant the Lord finds ready (34) My house will be called a house of prayer (84) He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood (119) Seek first the kingdom of God (37) You bring forth bread from the land (104) If a man wishes to come after me (34) You have taught me, O God, from my youth (71) Make vows unto the Lord your God (76) Bring up your sacrifices and come into his courts (96) If a man wishes to come after me (34) There is joy among the angels for one sinner (32) O, that may ways may be guided (119) Be mindful of your word, O Lord (119) My soul aspires after your salvation (119) Remove from me all scorn and contempt (119) O Lord. our God, how amiable is your name (8) We shall rejoice in your salvation (20) You will show me the path to life (16) Behold, the bridegroom is here (34) The Lord is my shepherd (23) Because you have been faithful over a little (119) Whatever you ask in your prayers, believe you shall receive it (61) Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you (145) The Lord reigns as king forever (29) Simeon would not die before he had seen the Messiah (48) Great is his glory, through your salvation, Lord (21) You, child, will be called the prophet (Luke 1) Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you (19) You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church (80) Tell no one what you have seen (45) Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary (45) He who is mighty has accomplished great things (Luke 1) By the sign of the Cross, deliver us from our enemies (18) Blessed are these, for theirs is the kingdom (126) May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord (121) The tribes go up to Jerusalem to give thanks (122) Glorious things have been proclaimed (Luke 1) Seek first the kingdom of God (37) May light eternal shine upon him/her, O Lord (121) |
1st Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas: Vigil Christmas: Midnight Christmas: Dawn Christmas: Day Holy Family A Holy Family B C Mary, Mother of God Epiphany of the Lord Baptism of the Lord Ash Wednesday 1st Sunday of Lent 2nd Sunday of Lent 3rd Sunday of Lent A 3rd Sunday of Lent B C 4th Sunday of Lent A 4th Sunday of Lent B 4th Sunday of Lent C 5th Sunday of Lent A 5th Sunday of Lent B 5th Sunday of Lent C Palm Sunday Holy Thursday: Chrism Mass Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper Good Friday of the Lord's Passion Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday 3rd Sunday of Easter A 3rd Sunday of Easter B 3rd Sunday of Easter C 4th Sunday of Easter 5th Sunday of Easter A 5th Sunday of Easter B C 6th Sunday of Easter A 6th Sunday of Easter B 6th Sunday of Easter C Ascension of the Lord A Ascension of the Lord B Ascension of the Lord C 7th Sunday of Easter Pentecost Vigil Pentecost Sunday Most Holy Trinity A C Most Holy Trinity B Corpus Christi A B Corpus Christi C 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time C 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A B 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time C 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time B C 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time A C 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time B C 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time A C 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time B C 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time A B 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time A B 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B C 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time B 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B C 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time B C Christ the King A Christ the King B C Presentation of the Lord Nativity of John the Baptist Vigil Nativity of John the Baptist Saint Peter and Saint Paul Vigil Saint Peter and Saint Paul Transfiguration of the Lord Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Exaltation of the Holy Cross All Saints All Souls Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Immaculate Conception Nuptial Mass Mass for the Dead |

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